



Web-conference on Section 66(2) under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016

As per Section 66 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, a Director needs to exercise due diligence to minimize any probable potential loss to the creditors during the twilight period.

In the context of the Directors and due diligence, there are various aspects which needs to be touched upon and addressed. In this however it is observed that there is an element of confusion as to what should be the trigger for initiating examination by the Insolvency Professional. It also needs to be understood whether the Directors exercised due diligence to minimize the potential loss to the creditors of the Corporate Debtor.

In order to provide clarity on these aspects, Indian Institute of Insolvency Professionals of ICAI (IIIPI) is organizing a two hours Web-Conference on Section 66(2) under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 on 4thJune, 2019 (Tuesday) at 03:00 PM for Insolvency Professionals and other stake holders.

The Webinar will be addressed by Mr. Vinod Kothari, Insolvency Professional & Chartered Accountant, Kolkata, Mr. Nipun Singhvi, Advocate & Certified IFRS, Ahmedabad, Ms. Khushboo Shah, practicing Lawyer & Chartered Acountant, Mumbai and Mr. Vijay Lulla, Insolvency Professional & Chartered Accountant among others.

Interested IP who wishes to attend the Web-Conference may login to the given link to join online for the live chat show. A chat box will be provided for raising any query.

Weblink of the Web-Conference http://ecpl.live/icai/04062019
Topic Section 66(2) under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Date 4thJune, 2019
Timing 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Fees NIL
Please contact for further clarifications, if any Suparna Chowdhury Senior Research Associate
Ph.No.0120-3045986/+91 8178995141
e-mail: [email protected]

Thanks & Regards

Sunil Pant

Program Schedule